Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

2nd Annual Thanksgiving Dollar Bowling

This year Conner got to bowl! He had so much fun! He would clap after he rolled each ball down the ramp, and often times did a little dance too! It was adorable!

In case you missed my bowling post from last Thanksgiving, Dollar Bowling is something that my Aunt Karen and Uncle Dale do each year on Thanksgiving. We've adapted it to fit us - example: we don't go ON thanksgiving, but a day or two before. I am fund the "dollar" part of the bowling: if anyone get's a strike or spare, they get a dollar! But we enforce a strict "you must do a 'dollar dance' to get the money!"


  1. Great action shots of everyone bowling! What a fun tradition for your family. I hear we are going to do while there as well :-)

  2. We're doing the bowling part while you guys are here...I wasn't planning on the dollar part. You'll have to come visit over Thanksgiving to get the mula!
