Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Does Isaac like tacos?

Tonight we had taco salad for dinner. Conner doesn't like the salad part, so he just gets the meat. After eating dinner we noticed some taco meat on the floor next Isaac's chair where he had been sitting. Upon further investigation, we realized that Conner had tried to feed Isaac some of his taco meat! We don't think that Isaac actually ate any of it, but it's possible! He had taco meat juice and crumbs all around his mouth! If he did eat some, he must have liked it, since he didn't complain about it! We keep a closer eye on Conner now while he's eating.

You may ask how Conner was able to feed Isaac without us noticing. Conner has a kid table and chairs that he loves to sit at. He would rather sit at the kid table by himself than at the "adult" table with us. The kid table is right next to Isaac's chair. We are trying to teach Conner that while he is eating, he isn't allowed to get up from the table, but it's still a work in progress. I eat many many MANY meals at the kid table with him to help him learn. Most of the time this results in me sharing my food with him because, of course, my food looks better (even though it's the same)!

Tonight Isaac wouldn't stop crying. I tried playing with him, I tried not playing with him, checked his diaper, tried a bottle, nothing. Finally I stood him up and like magic he stopped crying. Really? That's all he wanted? Yup! He just wanted to stand up!

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