Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 22, 2016

Silly Conner

Isaac had a really nasty diaper, one of those that the only way to recover is to put him in the bath tub. I turned on the water, started filling the tub and then went to get Isaac's towel (he wasn't in the tub yet). When I came back, I found Conner in the tub, fully dressed. I guess he wanted to make sure he didn't miss out on a bath! Also, the pacifier. Ya. He hated them as a baby. HATED THEM. But ever since Isaac was born, he thinks they're fun.

While doing the dishes, I heard Conner behind me whining. I didn't think much of it, and kept doing the dishes. After he had whined for a minute or two, I finally turned around to see what he was doing and found him like this. Evidently he had climbed on the chair, and while reaching for something, accidentally pushed the chair away, leaving him hanging. I busted up laughing! And of course ran for the camera before I helped him down! I still laugh every time I see this picture!

One more funny story, this one I have a picture, but I won't put it on the internet. Too many bad things these days. Conner was playing in the back yard and eating a snack which was on the kiddy picnic table. He came over to me because he had walked (more likely sat in) an ant hill and had ants on him. Ants here in Texas bite! I quickly pulled off his clothes and got them off. Then I noticed one inside his diaper. I quickly ripped his diaper off before one bit him on the butt. After making sure all the ants were off of him, I had to run inside for a clean diaper. They're right inside the door, and if he peed, he's outside. Anyways, when I came back outside, he was sitting at the picnic table, in the nude, eating his snack as if everything was normal. It cracked me up how comfortable he was just sitting there naked eating.

1 comment:

  1. Conner in the bathtub fully dressed cracked me up because you did that once. You and Elise were in the tub together and you raised your arms up signaling that you were ready to get out. So I got you out and got you ready for bed. You ran off to play. When I went back to check on Elise in the tub, you were sitting in the tub of water in your jammies! Like Mother, like Son! As far as the picnic in the nude--kids are so innocent!
