Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 2018

September 4, 2018
Conner started pre-school today! This is his first time going to school. I tried really hard not to be the mom who can't leave their child at school, but let's be honest, I was a little nervous! The night before Conner said he wasn't sure he wanted me to leave him there, but I promised that I would come back in "just a few minute." When I picked him up 4 hours later, he told me that he loved school and that he is okay if I leave. I was so proud and happy!
I am so excited for the school we were able to get into (there are long, long waiting lists here!) and for his new teacher! Last week we went to the school and met his teacher and got to tour the classroom! We're both so excited!

September 10, 2018
Caleb got his first haircut. I'm not sure that you can tell, LOL! His hair is so blonde...but we could see all the crazy hairs so it was time for a cut!

September 15, 2018
We were suppose to go on a campout this weekend, but there has been so much rain lately that everything is way too muddy to set up a tent! So we improvised...a kids tent in the family room and meat in the smoker! We let the boys play out in the rain, they had a blast! Caleb isn't pictured because he loves to sit in the mud puddles so we took his clothes off! haha

September 21, 2018
The past few months we've been working to get Isaac glasses! He has strabismus (his left eye turns in) but catching it early like we did is a good thing. We think he looks so cute in his new glasses! Conner really wants glasses now too!
Isaac is so excited about the "suitcase" for his glasses (glasses case). The glasses are pretty indestructible; in fact, they actually don't have any hinges/screws. Because of this, there is a band that you can put on them to hold the arms folded in. This band is also a prized treasure!

September, 27, 2018
The Comal County Fair is a big deal here...like, there is no school every year on the Friday of the fair. So obviously learning about the fair is a big deal too! Throughout the week they painted neckerchiefs, made horses, had horse races and had the chance to rope a cow! Today was cow boy/girl day at school.

"Look Mom, I can ride one handed!"

September 28, 2019
Ammon and I were able to go away for an anniversary weekend. We went to San Antonio (It's one of our favorite weekend getaway spots!) and explored! We ate a yummy dinner on the Riverwalk at The Saltgrass and took a long walk down the path away from the Riverwalk. We had a great time!

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