Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August 2021

 August 7, 2021
It's Back To School season! Hip Hip Horray! Today I got to take Conner and Isaac out school supply shopping. I know lots of people don't like it, but I do! It gets me excited for the kids new adventure! I had planned to take the kids separately, but then last minute Ammon had to work this weekend. A friend kindly took Caleb and Emma so I could take these two out shopping. We had a good time!

August 9, 2021
I took the kids bowling this morning. Since the beginning of summer they have wanted to go bowling. I had big plans to take them multiple times. But then the reality of taking a 2 year old bowling (plus 3 other kids) didn't sound fun. Luckily, Grandpa and Grandma Eggett took them while they were in town. I got brave and took them today. It wasn't easy, but they did pretty good and more importantly, they had so much fun!

I love Emma's excited little dance!

They have a little arcade area so I let the kids bring some of their money to play a few games after we were done bowling.

Isaac was excited to climb a tree today!
Emma has been working on her animal sounds

August 10, 2021
Tonight was Kindergarten Orientation. Can you believe that Isaac will be starting kindergarten!? Crazy! We never did Kindergarten Orientation with Conner (Covid). The Kindergarten teachers took the kids to play games and do activities while the principal met with the adults. Ammon asked what I learned, and I told him basically I learned all the things we had to figure out on our own last year! Lol.
For some reason seeing the "Class of 2034" was crazy to me! Can we NOT talk about graduation all ready! Also, he will graduate high school exactly 30 years after me.
August 12, 2021
Emma likes to wake up from her naps slowly. Today I was working on the computer after waking her up. She came in and sat on my lap and fell back asleep. It was so sweet. I don't snuggle sleeping kids very often! 
August 19, 2021
School starts in 4 days (for Conner and Isaac)! Tonight was meet the teacher. Because parents weren't allowed in the school last year (when Conner was in kindergarten), I felt like I didn't know his teacher. So I decided to not give any teacher requests. Instead I just prayed that my kids would be with the teacher that would be best for them. I'm excited about both of their teachers!

 August 20, 2021
I walked past the family room during screen time and was amazed that Caleb was watching tv this way. First of all, I would never THINK to lay like this. Second, it doesn't look comfortable! Silly boy!

August 23, 2021
The day has come! I think we are all so excited! Conner starts 1st grade and Isaac starts Kindergarten! I'm so grateful this school year is so different than last year. I had a hard time last year dropping Conner off at school - he had never seen his classroom, didn't even know where it was, and never met his teacher. I walked him to the outside doors where an employee took him to his classroom. Thankfully, this year parents are allowed in the school! And, on the first day of school only, parents are allowed to walk their kids into their classroom! I love these boys so much and know they're going to have an amazing year! Caleb doesn't start school for a week, and that is SO HARD for him! He can't wait!

They both had a great day at school!

After dinner, Grandpa and Grandma Dietz came over and brought ice cream sundaes so that they could hear about the kids first day of school! Yum!

August 27, 2021
Silly Caleb!
"Mom, make sure to show the one in my ear!"

August 28, 2021
Grandpa and Grandma Dietz took all 4 kids to see the new Paw Patrol movie. They had so much fun!

August 31, 2021
Caleb has waited for what feels like forever for his first day of school (a week and 1 day since Conner and Isaac started school)! I have social kids, who very rarely look back when they're on their way to a new, fun place. We are so excited for everything Caleb is going to learn this year. He is going to LOVE preschool!

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