Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 29, 2020

February 2020

 February 1, 2020
Emma is still a little wobbly, but she's starting to get the hang of walking!

February 4, 2020
I had a Strawberry Tart Pie for my birthday treat. Mmmmmm! It was delicious!

And the boys came of with this...

I still have no idea what they wanted to see...

February 7, 2020
This morning when Ammon was helping the kids get dressed I heard this conversation:
Daddy: Did you take a shower last night?
Conner: Yes.
Daddy: I can tell because you are not stinky. You smell like flowers.
Conner: I don't smell like flowers!
Daddy: Why not?
Conner: Because I'm a man!
February 12, 2020
Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma took Conner, Isaac and Caleb fishing tonight!

February 15, 2020
Every year Grandma Eggett sends the kids a Valentine's Day card and in it....a one dollar bill! Oh man, the kids can hardly believe it and they have to spend it! So off to the dollar store we go where they each get to pick out one thing and pay for it by themselves! It's always fun to see what they got!

February 16, 2020
When we bought our house it came with 3 mature peach trees. We were so excited! One was in an odd location, and unfortunately we had to take it out to help the other 2 get enough sun light. For years we have done everything we could to get some good peaches. The first couple of years they would start to grow, but die off. After research we would try again the next year. The past year they didn't grow anything. They must have gotten too old. So, we decided to pull them out and plant new ones.
We will work on the planting the new trees next weekend.

February 17, 2020
We met up with our dear friend, Aria, at the park today. It's been a while since we've seen her and we couldn't wait to play with her!

February 21, 2020
We can't get enough of this cute girl!

February 23, 2020
We are building raised beds to plant our trees in. The soil here is clay, which doesn't provide much drainage, which then makes tree roots rot. First we have to build the raised bed walls:

After careful measurements and calculations, we can determine how much soil we need to fill them:

And then, the best part is we get to watch a dump truck, come to our house and dump tons of dirt in our driveway! It's a great day to be a boy!
We bought a fruit salad tree from a local nursery. It is a grafted tree that has 1 plum branch, 1 apricot  branch, 1 nectarine branch, and 2 peach branches (different types). We are so excited to get some good fruit in a few years!
February 26, 2020
Today was Lunch Bunch at Conner's school - parents get to come eat lunch with their child. Because of a dentist appointment, Ammon got to go today. We didn't tell Conner so it would be a surprise (normally it's me who goes). After school two parents told me separately how cute Conner was. He saw Ammon through the window and said, "That's my Dad! My Dad is here! My Dad doesn't' get to come to school very often because of his job!" It was sweet to hear how excited he was and that he recognizes that it is specially for Daddy to get to come.

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