Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 30, 2018

April 2018

April 1, 2018
Happy Easter!

 Everyone knows that Santa watches us and knows what we like, but the Easter Bunny is knows too! He got Conner is about to start his first season of soccer and that Daddy is putting in a sand box this weekend (thus the shovels!).

Isaac L.O.V.E.S. PJ Masks

Let the Egg Hunt begin!

This year we dyed eggs for the first time! I wrapped the hard boiled eggs in a paper towel and then let the kids drop food coloring on it.

 Caleb loves his Easter candy! I don't know about you, but when I eat chocolate, I don't let a single crumb miss my mouth! Silly Caleb!
 Building the Sand Box

April 7, 2018
Conner is starting his first season of soccer. He has a great coach, Coach Jerry, who is super great with all the kids! He always kneels down to talk to them on their eye level, and knows all the things 4 year olds like these days and talks to them about them!
During Conner's first soccer game today, about 3/4 through the game, Conner told Coach, "Coach, I still haven't made a goal!" Coach Jerry encouraged him and 1 minute later, Conner scored! He was so excited! It was his one and only goal for the whole season.

CONNER SCORES!!! I love how genuinely excited his coach is for him!

 April 10, 2018
Here in Texas, it's a common thing to get pictures with the bluebonnets when they're blooming. Since we just paid to get Easter pictures taken, I decided to just snap a few of my own and see how the turn out. We went out when the sun was bright, I know, not when you're suppose to take pictures.
Which means squinting and shadows. Oh well! They may not be wall worthy, but I thought they turned out pretty nice!

April 12, 2018
Another right of passage picture. My kids have all been so proud of themselves when they first stand up in their crib!

April 21, 2018
Daddy and Conner got to Monster Jam with Matt and JD. They had so much fun! Daddy said they'll have to go again next year, but this time bring Isaac too! This experience inspired Conner's birthday cake.

Conner's Preschool
This month Conner's preschool class was called Cooks with Books. Each class they read a book and then made (and ate) a food item that went along with the book. They also made crafts too! It was such a fun class!
Week 1: If You Give A Pig A Pancake
They made made colorful pancakes and these cute piggies!

Week 2: If You Give A Moose A Muffin
They did a worksheet on the story and made moose ears and a paper muffin. They made and ate muffins!

Week 3: If You Give A Cat A Cupcake
They made these cute cats and cupcakes!
Week 4: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
They made cookies and mice!

Conner eating his cookie!

1 comment:

  1. It was exciting to be there for one of Conner's soccer games! The pictures with the bluebells turned out super! I love that the rocking chair you rocked in as a toddler was in the picture! So fun that brothers-in-law and cousins could attend the monster truck show! And the preschool classes look so great!
