Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 7, 2015

Story Time

Our library has an awesome story time program! They have 3 different age based story time groups (babies 0-18 months, toddlers 18-36 months, preschool 3-5 years). We have been going to story time every week, at least once since we moved here almost a year ago. We love story time! The librarian who does story time, Ms Jenny, is phenomenal! I quickly discovered getting out of the house with 2 kids is harder. Duh, I knew it would be. I guess I had forgotten in the past 1 1/2 years since Conner was a baby how it worked. Everyone ready to leave? Baby has a blow out. Everyone ready to go, again? Baby's hungry. Now throw in the mix a toddler...lol! Yeah. Enough said! This is why we were so excited to be back at story time today!

1 comment:

  1. I loved being there with you and seeing how happy all the other moms were for you!
