Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Ohhh, how cute!

This past weekend, as part of our weekend activities, we went out window shopping. We window shopped at many different stores for many different things, all just for fun. One of the things we like window shopping for these days is for appliances for our "dream home." On this particular Saturday, we decided to go to Sears and look at their refrigerators, freezers, wall ovens, stove tops, etc. But before we left the store, Ammon wanted to go check out the tools.

Now, I've often heard girls say, "Ohhh, how cute" to things, a lot of times they're baby sized things (Ex: baby shoes, a small stroller to push a doll in, a cute outfit for a young child, and maybe even a tool belt for a little boy who wants to look like their daddy). But let's face it, it normally comes out of the girl's mouth. Not this time!

So we're looking at the tools, we're on about the 4th row and Ammon says, "Ohhh, how cute!" I smiled, "Did you just say this tool is cute?" And Ammon responded, "Ya, it's a miniature Jointer." So I just had to take a picture of the tool. Now you know what can make a man say, "Ohhh, how cute!"


  1. That is so funny!

  2. Hahaha! I am going to have to tease him about that one. :)
