Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 1, 2021

March 2021

March 3, 2021
You know how there are those cute leaf bags in the autumn that look like a pumpkin? Well...do they have any that look like four leaf clovers or Easter eggs? Our leaves always fall off our tree this time of year.

Two bedtime stories:
When I said "Emma go upstairs for bed." She immediately dropped to all fours and started panting and acting like a dog. She did not go upstairs. Evidently puppies don't understand what I say, so if she's a puppy, she doesn't have to do what I ask her to. Naughty, but cute. Lol! She's actually been doing this with more frequency lately when I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Isaac very patiently put dolly's pajamas on her for Emma. Within a minute, Emma had taken the clothes off. She then had me help her as she put a diaper on dolly and her own pajamas. Then she rocked and sang her baby doll to sleep. So cute! 
Somehow Ammon and I are amazed at how naturally different girls are. Yes, she still plays with cars (her favorite is her Minnie Mouse cars), she's rough n' tumble, she wrestles Caleb (and sometimes wins). But she also loves to take care of her baby dolls, has a crew that she sleeps with (baby doll, Minnie Mouse, puppy stuffed animal and a mouse stuffed animal that is a pacifier holder), gets her feelings hurt more easily, wants to pick out her own clothes (the ones you picked are NOT the right ones!), buckles her baby doll in the car...all things that she did NOT learn from her brothers but just came naturally for her.

March 4, 2021
Heights is not one of Emma's fears. Or maybe it's not heights so much as anything her brothers can do, she can do it too! My parenting style leans more towards the kids will learn through experience, particularly so when it comes to physical things (what their bodies can do). I don't feel like I get nervous too often with letting me kids try something. But man, Emma is going to give me a heart attack! I'll look up and she's climbed up something that no 1 year old should be able to do! And she is always proud of herself.

March 6, 2021
I took Emma to run some errands today. She wanted to bring both of her dolls. I thought it was cute, so I agreed. Girl time! OH. MY GOODNESS! I didn't realize that we were going to have to buckle her dolls into car seats each time we got in the car. And by "we" I mean that I wasn't allowed to help. I think it would have been easier to take all 4 kids to run errands than Emma and 2 dolls 😂 But she loved it! In fact, when she realized we were almost home, she started crying.

March 8, 2021
Remember the "anything my brothers can do, I can too" thing...Caleb is a pro on this bike, he whizzes around so fast. So of course Emma has to try too...

Conner asked me today, "Did you know radios play music and the news!?!"
I bet he would be stunned to know when I was a kid, we actually listened to radios!
March 9, 2021
I was helping Emma say the praer at lunch today:
Me: Dear Heavenly Father
Emma: Father
Me: Thank you for the food.
Emma: Food.
Me: Please bless us
Emma: Bless us
Me: to be nice
Emma: Dolly
Me: to be nice
Emma: Bless dolly
Me:  Ok. Please bless dolly.
Emma: Bless dolly
Me: bless us to be nice
Emma: be nice

She definitely wanted to pray for dolly today!
March 10, 2021
Emma is also a crack up. Tonight I asked her to sit down for dinner and she did...

She couldn't stop giggling because she thought she was so funny!

March 11, 2021
For Christmas we got a year long pass to the local Children's Museum. We got one when Conner and Isaac were about these ages and they loved it! I was so excited to have these same fun experiences with Caleb and Emma. It is a pass for 4 people, so I also put Isaac on it since he's only in school 3 days a week right now (in the fall he'll be at school all day 5 days a week like Conner). We just activated our passes and I took the kids today and had so much fun!

March 12, 2021
Isaac seems to be the one who doesn't mind snuggling with our very wiggly Emma. Conner and Caleb get tired of her wiggling and go sit somewhere else. But Isaac doesn't seem to mind (or he is so zoned into the tv he doesn't notice! lol). I think it is very sweet!

March 13, 2021
We invited Ammon's parents over for dinner and dessert for Pie Day, but they weren't able to come, so we moved it to the day before. I made a Dutch Caramel Apple Pie (I made it for this last Thanksgiving and it was requested for pie day) and a chocolate pudding pie.

I'm always impressed with how muddy a kid can get with a 2" puddle. They never cease to amaze me. Haha

March 15, 2021
Today is the first day of Spring Break. Normally Conner leaves for school at 7:10am. Today, since its spring break, we weren't in a hurry. So we sat down to eat breakfast around 7:30 am. Conner says, "I'm bored." OH NO! First of all, you're actually doing something right now (eating), and second, spring break started like 20 minutes ago, you can't be bored all ready!
March 16, 2021
When we had our Texas Blizzard last month, 3 of our 4 palm trees died. Tonight we were out cutting some of the dead palm fronds off of the the trees. When we came inside it was time to put the kids to bed. When I went into the upstairs bathroom to assist in the brushing of the teeth, I saw a couple of small hairs on the counter top. I looked at them confused for a few seconds..."Did somebody cut their hair?" It didn't take looking hard to figure out who it was. Come to find out, he had got kid safety scissors and cut his hair in the downstairs bathroom. He left the whole mess there, so even if it wasn't obvious looking at his head, we would have found the evidence. I'm not sure how the hairs got to the upstairs bathroom...

I have no clue how he managed to miss the strap on his glasses, but I am so glad he did! He has always been our kid who has to figure out how things work. It frequently gets mistaken for being naughty, but really, he just wants to understand. I think he just wanted to see how cutting your hair works. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I got a few pictures over the next couple of days so I could remember how bad of a hair cut it was.

I thought there was at least some humor behind the situation, but Ammon saw ZERO humor in it. We left it for a few days, then cut his hair really short so it was harder to notice.

March 19, 2021
SPRING BREAK!!! This spring break was spent at a lot of different parks...although it seems I only took pictures at a couple of them...

March 20, 2021
Emma talks A LOT. We don't know what she is saying most of the time, but she talks. She was very animated in telling me a story today, so I started recording it. I recorded for quite a while to show what a talker she is, feel free to just watch a few seconds of it!

March 22, 2021
Another park...another Emma induced heart attack...
This was our first time going to this park.
It didn't bother me when she climbed on the yellow ladder climber thing, until she would get so high on it that I couldn't reach her. It went up to the 2nd story of the playground. And most of my fear was how many body parts would smack into all the different poles if she were to fall between two of the rungs. I always stayed right underneath her and had Conner stand at the landing, so that if she ever fell, hopefully between the two of us, we could get her before she got too hurt. She never fell. She did it at least 20 times. Yes, she was proud of herself every single time. We didn't stay at the park very long because I just couldn't take the anxiety any more.

 March 23, 2021
All 3 boys have a picture of them standing up in their crib. It's a picture of the first time I went to get them up from their nap and they had pulled themselves to a standing position. They all have very proud faces. Somehow, I don't think I have one of these pictures of Emma #fourthchild But I got this one which is kind of the same.
Remember the toddler mattress sized bunk beds Ammon and I built for Caleb and Emma? Well, we originally had planned to put a ladder on, but Caleb could climb up the side without a ladder - and Emma couldn't - so it was perfect! We didn't bother to make a ladder. 
Today was the first day I went to get Emma up from her nap and she had made it to the top bunk. Cue proud face.

March 24, 2021
Today on our way home from taking Isaac to preschool, we saw a road construction crew working on our road. They had a backhoe and a dump truck. Caleb really wanted to go watch. We walked down the street and watched as the backhoe scooped up asphalt and dumped it in the dump truck. After they were done, the workers let us know they'd be doing the same thing again a little further down the road. We walked down there and watched it again. Caleb and Emma loved it!

Whenever we drive by Conner's school (while he is there), the other kids and I say  things like "Hi Conner!", "Hope you're having a good day at school!", "Be kind to everyone.", and blow him some kisses. We know he can't hear us, but we are sending good vibes his way. Today I was thinking about other things as we were driving and didn't realize we were driving past his school until I heard Emma say "I wuv you!" and blow some kisses. First of all, I was impressed she knew we were passing his school. And second how cute that she remembered to say things to Conner!

March 26, 2021
Another fun day at the Children's Museum! The ambulance and doctor kit were a huge hit today!

March 27, 2021
Today Conner and Isaac had their first soccer games. While we were watching their games, Caleb did some bird watching with his binoculars.

After the games I finished decorating some Frozen themed cupcakes for a party we were headed to.

March 30, 2021
Today at preschool, Caleb learned about weather. One of the activities they did was decorate a kite and then fly it! There was the perfect amount of wind, so it was great!

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