Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 26, 2011

Temple Square

The Powell's came into town right before Christmas, and we got to go to Temple Square with them. We had a really fun time! We parked a couple of blocks from Temple Square and rode Trax the rest of the way.

Avri (6 years old) said, "The trees look like they're growing glow in the dark berries!" Sadie (3 years old) said that her favorite part was riding the train. Talmage (5 years old) just talked and talked! We even found out who he's going to get married to! We love spending time with our nieces and nephews, and siblings too :)


  1. I love the bright yellow hats and scarves the Powell family are wearing. It makes it easy to spot the family. What a fun evening!


  2. Awww, we love you guys too. That was really fun to go do that and it really got me in the Christmas spirit!!
