Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Joyful January

January 1, 2017
This cute boy was playing peek a boo with me through the chair!

January 2, 2017
Daddy is making a lot of noise in the garage, so I have to wear these. Conner calls them "telephones" but they're really noise cancelling headphones.

January 3, 2017
Playing with bubbles in the backyard. We love this beautiful weather here in Texas!

January 4, 2017
Isaac climbed into this box with his hammer and Hawaiian shell necklace and hid out. He thought he was pretty sneaky!

January 6, 2017
Conner drew this picture and then showed it to me, "Look Mom, it's an elephant; and here is it's tail!" I was impressed because it has a head, body and tail. Way to go Conner!

January 9, 2017
After taking the trash outside, Conner didn't want to go back inside, so he pretended to fall asleep. He thought that if he was asleep, I would just leave him there and go inside and then he could keep playing outside.

January 13, 2017
"Mom, I'm skiing!" I was impressed he knew what skis were, then I realized he learned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I was still impressed that he could apply what he had learned by taking 2 pieces of wood, stand on them and slide around on them.

January 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Elise! They are living with us for the month of January while their house is being completed, so we got to celebrate at our house!

January 15, 2017
What a handsome boy! Couldn't pass up an opportunity to take a picture of my cute Isaac!

When an adult really likes a dessert, they scrape their plate clean, not missing a single crumb. But when kids really like a dessert, they smear it everywhere! Lol! Isaac really liked the chocolate cake!

January 16, 2017
Today we made rainbow necklaces with fruitloops. It's one of our favorite snacks! It's kind of like a candy necklace, but the kids use their hand eye coordination to get the fruit loops onto the yarn. I have these plastic (not sharp) needles that we use. It's a lot of fun!

Today while playing in the backyard, Conner decided he wanted to ride his  motorcycle down the slide. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but he really wanted to do it. So I decided to video record it for America's Funniest Videos.

I guess it'll never make it on AFV since he didn't actually go down on the motorcycle. But I'm happy that he didn't because it means no injuries!

January 19, 2017
Grandpa and Grandma Eggett gave us a year long pass to the local children's museum. We went for the first time and had SO MUCH FUN! I'm sure we will be going a lot this year!

Isaac and this little girl sat on the bench swing together for a long time just swinging. It was so cute!

January 27, 2017
We went to the gymnastic gym's open play time today. Isaac and Aria had fun on this toy together and it reminded me the church nursery growing up because they had one of these!

Cousin snuggles!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Gender Reveal

Tonight we had the family over for a gender reveal! Conner ate into a cupcake with colored cream in it. He had no idea what he was doing or what he was revealing, but it was fun anyways!

It's a Boy!
(surprise surprise, LOL)