December 8, 2016
We had our first blaming it on brother incident! Conner knows not to unroll all the toilet paper, but he's the only child potty trained...when I asked Conner who did this, he said, "Isaac did it." Which is totally believable too. I'm not sure who the culprit is...
December 9, 2016
We discovered a fun new place to play at. There is a gymnastics gym down the road from us and on Friday mornings they do "open gym time" where you can pay to go and the kids can play on all the gymnastics equipment. There are trampolines and a "ball pit" or sorts, balance beams, a ladder and they set up an obstacle course. They even have push/ride on toys for the littlest of kids! The boys have so much fun!
December 10, 2016
Ammon was putting the Christmas lights on the house and Conner was convinced he needed to go help. He climbed part way up the ladder before I noticed and I told him he needed to get down. He stopped climbing but we had a comical conversation as he tried to convince me that Daddy needed his help and that he needed to keep climbing (while I was telling him no, he wasn't allowed on the roof)!
We had spaghetti for dinner tonight and Isaac really liked it. I'm always amazed at the places you find food when it's red!
That night we went to our church's Christmas Social. And the boys got to see Santa Claus! They both did really well!
December 14, 2016
We moved Conner to the top bunk last night. I was a little worried but optimistic! But he did great!
Isaac wanted his picture taken too, but he had a hard time keeping his eyes open because he just woke up, haha!
December 17, 2016
We have this little kids table in the dinning room for Conner and the kids that Allison watches during the day. Isaac, up until this picture, still sits in the high chair. However, Isaac decided today that he is a big boy and that he doesn't need the high chair anymore. This is good and bad. I love seeing my kids get more independent, but I also LOVE the contained mess when they're in the high chair!